2005-12-06 [長年日記]
_ [news] NECのLet'snote対抗モバイルノート「VersaPro UltraLite」
_ [news] 眞鍋かをり:ブログ普及委員長に就任 「アキバ系」と告白
_ [news] Thomson、総額128億円でカノープスを買収−プロビデオ市場を開拓。ブランドは継続
_ [news] お笑いマンガ道場復活 来年1月4日 司会はロンブー淳 パネリストはロンブー亮ら10人
_ [news] ノキア社長、3Gケータイの最新動向と日本市場での展望を語る
_ [news] びんちょうタンバスツアー
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Interesting, but navigation system is a little bit confusing<br><br>http://online18.info/
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!<br><br>http://online18.info/
Cool design, great info!<br><br>http://online18.info/
You have many friends that post in your guestbook - it is cool!<br><br>http://online18.info/
Your site is very convenient in navigation and has good design. Thanks!<br><br>http://online18.info/
Hi! Your site appeared very useful to me. Excellent work, thanks.
Hi! Your site appeared very useful to me. Excellent work, thanks.
Interesting, but navigation system is a little bit confusing
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Super site ! Bravo au webmaster qui a su rendre le site tres interressant.Continue comme ca ;)
This web-site is the coolest! Now I dont have to feel so intimated by science! Youre a genius! I think Ill visit this site often.
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Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
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Take care of it and keep it on the road!
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Don稚 walk behind me, I may not lead. Don稚 walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
I glad too see this interest site, I tell my friends about it! They like sites like that: site
Hi! Your site appeared very useful to me. Excellent work, thanks.
Great site!!! Very Cool. Keep up the good work. Very sweet person to chat with. :) Luv, ME
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
Nice layout. But i didnt find information for me that i try to find on your website. But thanks you in any way!
Take care of it and keep it on the road!
Your site has very much liked me. I shall necessarily tell about him to the friends.
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Hello, cool site - nice navigation keep going do it! You will have them for our next
Sehr guten site. Alles arbeitet deutlich(klar), schon eben storungsfrei. Wer machte? Vielleicht vom Weg?
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like your site ! Its very well !
You have many friends that post in your guestbook - it is cool!
This web-site is the coolest! Now I dont have to feel so intimated by science! Youre a genius! I think Ill visit this site often.
like your site ! Its very well !
You have many friends that post in your guestbook - it is cool!
Cool design, great info!
This is one of the best sites I have ever found. Thanks!!! Very nice and informal. I enjoy being here.
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
This is a cool site! Thanks and wish you better luck! Brilliant but simple idea.
Great site!!! Very Cool. Keep up the good work. Very sweet person to chat with. :) Luv, ME
Take care of it and keep it on the road!
This is a cool site! Thanks and wish you better luck! Brilliant but simple idea.
Nice layout. But i didnt find information for me that i try to find on your website. But thanks you in any way!
Hi! Your site appeared very useful to me. Excellent work, thanks.
Take care of it and keep it on the road!
Very good site! I like it! Thanks!
Nice layout. But i didnt find information for me that i try to find on your website. But thanks you in any way!
Sehr guten site. Alles arbeitet deutlich(klar), schon eben storungsfrei. Wer machte? Vielleicht vom Weg?
Hello nice page and it downloads very fast, enjoyed it very much, take care.
Interesting, but navigation system is a little bit confusing
Your site has very much liked me. I shall necessarily tell about him to the friends.
Interesting, but navigation system is a little bit confusing
Great site!!! Very Cool. Keep up the good work. Very sweet person to chat with. :) Luv, ME
Great site!!! Very Cool. Keep up the good work. Very sweet person to chat with. :) Luv, ME
like your site ! Its very well !
Sehr guten site. Alles arbeitet deutlich(klar), schon eben storungsfrei. Wer machte? Vielleicht vom Weg?
like your site ! Its very well !
This is one of the best sites I have ever found. Thanks!!! Very nice and informal. I enjoy being here.
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
Interesting, but navigation system is a little bit confusing
You are the best! Im glad...
Sehr guten site. Alles arbeitet deutlich(klar), schon eben storungsfrei. Wer machte? Vielleicht vom Weg?
Excellent work! A site very interesting and design top-level. Thanks!
Sehr guten site. Alles arbeitet deutlich(klar), schon eben storungsfrei. Wer machte? Vielleicht vom Weg?
Excellent work! A site very interesting and design top-level. Thanks!
like your site ! Its very well !
You have many friends that post in your guestbook - it is cool!
Very interesting and beautiful site. It is a lot of ful information. Thanks.
Sehr guten site. Alles arbeitet deutlich(klar), schon eben storungsfrei. Wer machte? Vielleicht vom Weg?
Interesting, but navigation system is a little bit confusing
I glad too see this interest site, I tell my friends about it! They like sites like that: site
Cool design, great info!
This web-site is the coolest! Now I dont have to feel so intimated by science! Youre a genius! I think Ill visit this site often.
Hello, cool site - nice navigation keep going do it! You will have them for our next
This web-site is the coolest! Now I dont have to feel so intimated by science! Youre a genius! I think Ill visit this site often.
This is one of the best sites I have ever found. Thanks!!! Very nice and informal. I enjoy being here.
This is a cool site! Thanks and wish you better luck! Brilliant but simple idea.
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
Nice layout. But i didnt find information for me that i try to find on your website. But thanks you in any way!
I glad too see this interest site, I tell my friends about it! They like sites like that: site
Ill be back very soon to see any update!!!
Hello, cool site - nice navigation keep going do it! You will have them for our next<br><br>http://bingo1c.land.ru/
Your site has very much liked me. I shall necessarily tell about him to the friends.
Hello, cool site - nice navigation keep going do it! You will have them for our next
Hello, cool site - nice navigation keep going do it! You will have them for our next
Excellent work! A site very interesting and design top-level. Thanks!
You have many friends that post in your guestbook - it is cool!
Hi! Your site appeared very useful to me. Excellent work, thanks.
I glad too see this interest site, I tell my friends about it! They like sites like that: site
Hello, cool site - nice navigation keep going do it! You will have them for our next
Here is intresting people... Lets talk!
Excellent work! A site very interesting and design top-level. Thanks!
Feedback about the forum! <br>I'd like to give some feedback about the Forum, I am surprised how few people use it, here are some of the issues I have observed and heard from members:<br><br>1. From the homepage there is no apparent direct link to member forum. I find it each time by going to the blog and going to the disclaimer where it gives you the link to Member forum. Could you maybe make it more visible, and more people will use it.<br><br>2. Quite a few people have mentioned that they submitted non-offensive posts and that their posts got pulled (happened to me the other day) this will surely discourage people.<br><br>3. Some people have mentioned that they submitted a post and no reply from w/s staff was ever received..that will surely discourage people.<br><br>thanks for listening and have a great day! Marita <br><br>My homepage<br>http://plantar-wart.ibelgique.com/map.html